The American period of service of Bishop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov) in correspondence with Metropolitan Flavian (Gorodetsky)


  • Priest Maxim V. Pchela Moscow Theological Academy



Bishop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov), Metropolitan Flavian (Gorodetsky), The Aleutian-American Diocese, correspondence, The Orthodox Church in America, Spiritual mission


The article is devoted to the analysis of the ministry of Bishop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov) of the Aleut-American Diocese of the Orthodox Russian Church, of which His Eminence Vladimir was the ruling bishop for four years, from 1887 to 1891. Bishop Vladimir managed four dioceses during his life, in addition to the Aleut diocese proper, he headed the Orenburg, Yekaterinburg and Yekaterinoslav departments. The activities of His Eminence Vladimir and his legacy are of particular interest to church science. In recent decades, various researchers have turned to the biography of Bishop Vladimir, studying his life path, from serving in the Japanese ecclesiastical mission to impoverishment and complete loneliness in the declining years in Moscow. But at the same time, the American period of Vladyka Vladimir's life is not fully studied. An important and almost the only source for filling the gap in this segment of the archpastor's life path is his correspondence with his senior mentor, intercessor and friend Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Flavian (Gorodetsky). The correspondence lasted from 1886 to 1913. In 76 letters, Bishop Vladimir dedicates Metropolitan Flavian to the details of his ministry on American land. Vladyka Vladimir received the rank of archbishop already during the Civil War, therefore, the signature with the name bishop always appears in letters, which should be followed when considering this source. The purpose of this work is to analyze the life of Bishop Vladimir on the basis of his letters to Metropolitan Flavian. When working with the source, the method of historical reconstruction was used, as well as chronological, analytical and narrative methods. As a result, it can be concluded that in his letters, Vladyka Vladimir stands as the spiritual son of Metropolitan Flavian, a simple believer, with his infirmities, failures and personal views on the Church and society. The Aleut diocese, which has grown to the scale of a Local Church, has the right to be proud of the glorious name of one of its bishops.


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Author Biography

Priest Maxim V. Pchela, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Pchela М. В. с. (2024). The American period of service of Bishop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov) in correspondence with Metropolitan Flavian (Gorodetsky). The Church Historian, (4 (18), 85–104.