«To saint Innocentius, the Co-worker», — travel notes of His Eminence Macarius (Darsky), bishop of Kamchatka, Kuril and Blagoveshchensk
biography, Bishop Macarius (Darsky), Far East, mission, eparchy, eparchial newsAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the life journey and missionary work of Bishop Macarius (Darsky), who headed the largest eparchy of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and the Amur region vast areas. Being the continuer of the holy hierarch Innocent (Veniaminov) apostolic works, Bishop Macarius devoted his entire life to difficult service in the Far East. Having taken under his care an eparchy with numerous indigenous ethnic groups enlightened by the light of the Orthodox faith by holy hierarch Innocent, Bishop Macarius worthily performed his service for the benefit of the people of God and the Motherland. The article examines the archpastor’s life journey, his personal qualities, as well as his missionary service, which took place at the end of the 19th century, during the era of the Amur lands rapid colonization. The article is based on archival and little-known sources, as well as itinerary notes of the bishop himself compiled by his accompanying priest Sergiy Tikhomirov. The article pays special attention to the Bishop Macarius’s activity as the ruling bishop of the Kamchatka, Kuril and Blagoveshchensk eparchy. His church efforts analysis is provided in the article too. Particular attention in the work is given to the description of his long journeys around the eparchy and his significant contribution to the foreigners’ education development. The purpose of this study is to fill the gap regarding the outstanding and undeservedly forgotten Far Eastern bishop – Bishop Macarius (Darsky).
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