Church-parish trusteeships in the spiritual and moral education of the society in the second half of the XIX century (on the materials of the Tula diocese)


  • George Sr. Cherepenin Moscow Theological Academy



Tula diocese, сhurch-parish trusteeships, spiritual and moral education, church reform of 1864, parish activities, the Orthodox society of the XIX century


The article examines one of the important and little-studied aspects of church life in the Tula diocese in in the second half of the XIX century — the activities of the church-parish trusteeships. In addition to solving charitable and economic tasks, these societies often took care of the spiritual and moral impact on the orthodox population (it was not prescribed by the Regulation on their device). Nevertheless, such actions found support from the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Count D. A. Tolstoy. Based on the materials of the State Archive of the Tula Region and the Tula Diocesan Gazette, the author reproduces the picture of the activities of the parish trusteeships of the Tula diocese in this direction. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that such activities were manifested in the following aspects of parish life: the fight against the vices of society and popular superstitions, concern for the observance of deanery in churches and law and order within the parish, concern for the obligatory participation of believers in church Sacraments, distribution of spiritual and edifying literature. The article also emphasizes that according to the methods of guardianship used, they can be divided into two categories: the first tried to achieve their goals by levying fines, and the second tried to act through suggestions and instructions.


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Author Biography

George Sr. Cherepenin, Moscow Theological Academy

Undergraduate student at the Department of Church History

at the Moscow Theological Academy


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Отчёты о приходе и расходе денежных сумм приходских попечительств Архангельской церкви села Михайловское Богородицкого уезда и Покровской церкви села Вышняя Залегоща Новосильского уезда; Рапорт благочинного г. Венева священника Николаевской церкви Филиппа Протопопова в Тульскую духовную консисторию об открытии новых приходских попечительств при церквях его ведомства, 1870–1873 гг. // ГАТО. Ф. 3. Оп. 6. Д. 1568.

Отчёты о приходе и расходе денежных сумм приходского попечительства Параскевиенской церкви села Горшково Тульского уезда, 1873–1874 гг. // ГАТО. Ф. 3. Оп. 7. Д. 65.

Деятельность приходских попечительств // ТулЕВ. 1870. № 10. С. 189–192, № 13. С. 263–266, № 17. С. 348–353.

Деятельность приходских попечительств и открытие новых // ТулЕВ. 1868. № 10. С. 255–262.

Извлечение из всеподданнейшего отчёта обер-прокурора Святейшего Синода графа Д. Толстого по Ведомству православного исповедания за 1866 г. СПб., 1867. С. 139.

Извлечение из всеподданнейшего отчёта обер-прокурора Святейшего Синода графа Д. Толстого по Ведомству православного исповедания за 1867 г. СПб., 1868. С. 86.

О приходских попечительствах // ТулЕВ. 1879. № 5. С. 69–77.

Сведения о приходских попечительствах // ТулЕВ. 1869. № 2. С. 42–45, № 3. С. 89–97, № 4. С. 109–118; 1870. № 3. С. 48–59, № 20. С. 434–443; 1871. № 7. С. 157–161, № 13. С. 244–255, № 19. С. 347–355; 1872. № 3. С. 39–48; 1880. № 2. С. 39–43.

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How to Cite

Cherepenin Г. С. (2024). Church-parish trusteeships in the spiritual and moral education of the society in the second half of the XIX century (on the materials of the Tula diocese). The Church Historian, (3 (17), 43–52.