Sacred Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917–1918. on the right of women to enter the altar


  • Hieromonk Andrey (Anfalov) Moscow Theological Academy



Local Council of 1917–1918, Department «About Church Discipline», woman in the Church, approach the altar, deaconesses, the Holy of Holies


The article is devoted to one of those considered in the Department «About the Church Discipline» of the Local Council the question of the right of women to the altar. Everyone knows that according to the established in our Russian Church, and almost all Local Churches tradition women cannot be admitted to the most sacred place in the temple — the altar where the male priests worship. But at the same time, the thinking society notes some injustice, while pious, true Christian women cannot cross the threshold of the holy altar, in the altar may be persons seducing by their behavior. In addition to the assistants of the clergy, people are sometimes allowed into the altar, to put it mildly, unbelievers. All this is due to the often strict rules of the Church, which supposedly strictly forbid look down the aisle. But in preparation for the All-Russian Council 1917–1918. and at the Council itself scientists talked that the Church is not against the presence of women in the altar, but it is forbidden to anyone who does not help the priest for the service. This theme found its reflection in the work of the Eighth Department of the Local Council 1917–1918. caused extensive discussion and became a stumbling block among participants. It is especially important to enter into the scientific circulation materials of the Department «About the church discipline» on this issue.


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Author Biography

Hieromonk Andrey (Anfalov) , Moscow Theological Academy

MA student

at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Anfalov А. (2024). Sacred Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917–1918. on the right of women to enter the altar. The Church Historian, (1 (15), 180–190.