Description of the moods in the ecclesiastical environment of the Georgian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century


  • Priest Alexei V. Garkusha Moscow Theological Academy



Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian Orthodox Church, Autocephaly, Georgian Exarchate, Pre-Conciliar Presence, bishop Leonid (Okropiridze), bishop Kirion (Sadzaglishvili)


The article is devoted to the description of the church environment of the Georgian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century. The article describes the mood among the clergy and laity, their dissatisfaction with the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as dissatisfaction with the situation of the Georgian Church. These discontents led to active actions on the part of members of the Georgian Church, which led to unrest in the church environment and the actual separation from the Russian Orthodox Church. One of the main persons was the bishop, and later the Catholicos-Patriarch, Leonid (Okropiridze). These events led to a break in communication between the Russian Orthodox and Georgian Churches for many years, which was restored only in 1943.


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Author Biography

Priest Alexei V. Garkusha, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student

at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Garkusha А. (2024). Description of the moods in the ecclesiastical environment of the Georgian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century. The Church Historian, (1 (15), 90–100.