The original edition of the Life of St Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, as a historical source


  • Alexander K. Inogamov Moscow Theological Academy



St. bishop Peter the Wonderworker, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, Old Russian written monuments, Old Russian hagiographies of Saints, history of early Moscow, Moscow Principality, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Tver Principality, Mikhail Yaroslavich Tversky, Ivan Kalita, Horde invasion, Tatar-Mongol yoke, Horde


The article is devoted to a general review of the Old Russian historical written monument — «The Life of Metropolitan Peter» in its Original or Short Edition, the authorship of which is most often attributed to a contemporary of St Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia (1260–1326) — Bishop Prokhor of Rostov (†1328). The hagiography is poorly studied in historical science. So far there has not been a single full-fledged study devoted exclusively to this hagiographic monument. Existing works deal with it either partially or indirectly. The XIV century, especially its first quarter, is the time of fierce internecine confrontation between the north-eastern Russian principalities, mainly Moscow and Tver. The hagiography of St Peter is the brightest example of Moscow's use of literary means in the political struggle with its rivals, its anti-Tver orientation is clearly traceable. The article consecrates the relevance of the study of the literary monument in question. The time and reasons for writing the Hagiography, its authorship are considered. In the course of the work the historical-research, comparative and analytical methods are applied. The main purpose of the study is to draw attention to the first works of Moscow literature, as well as other Old Russian written monuments, unfortunately, poorly attracting the attention of researchers.


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Author Biography

Alexander K. Inogamov, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of

Moscow Theological Academy



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How to Cite

Inogamov А. (Алишер). (2024). The original edition of the Life of St Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, as a historical source. The Church Historian, (1 (15), 51–62.