The attitude of the All-Russian Local Council of 1917–1918 to the autocephalous movement in Ukraine


  • Priest Evgenj A. Ageev Urjupinsk Diocese



All-Russian Local Church Council of 1917–1918, All-Ukrainian Church Council of 1918, Ukraine, Ukrainian Church autocephaly, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitskij), Metropolitan Platon (Rozhdestvenskij)


The article analyzes the documents of the All-Russian Local Council of 1917–1918, telling about the attitude of the Council and the hierarchy of the Russian Church to the movement for the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church in 1917–1918. Special attention is paid to the convocation and work of the All-Ukrainian Church Council of 1918. The statements of the leading figures of the All-Russian Local Council of 1917–1918 are given: St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitskij), Metropolitan Platon (Rozhdestvenskij), expressing their opinion and the views of the Council on the supporters of autocephaly and the general course of the All-Ukrainian Church Council. Conclusions are drawn: about carrying out a lot of work on the preparation and holding of the All-Ukrainian Church Council of 1918; about the canonicity of this council, in contrast to subsequent church-public meetings; about the predominance of supporters of the unity of the Russian Church among the participants of the Council; about the dominance of political aspirations for independence of all sides of public life in Ukraine at the time under study, under the influence of which supporters of Ukrainian autocephaly also fell.


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Author Biography

Priest Evgenj A. Ageev, Urjupinsk Diocese

PhD in theology

Urjupinsk Diocese, Secretary of the Commission for the Canonization of Saints


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How to Cite

Ageev Е. А. (2023). The attitude of the All-Russian Local Council of 1917–1918 to the autocephalous movement in Ukraine. The Church Historian, (4 (14), 89–101.