A typical student of the Moscow Theological Academy at the end of the 19th century: statistical analysis


  • Sergey V. Panchenko Moscow Theological Academy




Moscow Theological Academy, student, student community, spiritual education, daily life of a student, history of the Russian Orthodox Church, history of spiritual education in Russia


The article will present the image of a typical MTA student in the period 1884–1905. The source of data is predominantly the personal files of students and academic courses. The image of the student is presented on the basis of the analysis of the following aspects: 1. Statistics of courses by the number of applicants, students and graduates; 2. Geography of students' admission; 3. Class of students; 4. Financial situation; 5. Age. Statistics and overall score (1.) contains information about all courses in the period under review: the number of students, changes during training, foreign students and graduates of civilian educational institutions. The geography of income (2) was compiled on the analysis of data gg.), 58 (1899–1903) and 60 (1901–1905) courses. The class of students (clause 1.3.1.) is described on the basis of: 43 (1884–1888) and 54–57 (1895–1902) courses. The financial situation (4) is described on the basis of fragmentary data from various courses. The age of students (5) and conclusions about this are made on the basis of the analysis of students of 43 (1884–1888), 54 (1895–1899) and 57 (1898–1902) courses. Comparison of historical data allows us to imagine the image of a typical student of the Moscow Theological Academy at the end of the nineteenth century.


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Author Biography

Sergey V. Panchenko, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student

at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Panchenko С. В. (2023). A typical student of the Moscow Theological Academy at the end of the 19th century: statistical analysis. The Church Historian, (4 (14), 62–77. https://doi.org/10.31802/CH.2023.14.4.004