To the question of the initial biography of Archbishop Alexander (Tolstopiatov) of Molotov and Solikamsk


  • Hegumen Agafangel (Gagua) Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute



Archbishop Alexander (Tolstopyatov), Moscow Imperial University, Professor M. A. Tolstopyatov, E. D. Tolstopyatova, A. M. Tolstopyatov, V. M. Tolstopyatov


The purpose of the study. Based on the materials of the Central State Archive of Moscow, the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, the Russian State Archive of the Navy, and other sources and literature introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the article examines the influence of the family on the formation of the personality of Archbishop Alexander (Tolstopyatov) of Molotov and Solikamsk.

Methodology. The use of a systematic approach allowed us to consider this influence in the general system of the history of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet period; the principle of historicism made it possible to consider this process in its formation and development.

The results of the study. The conducted research shows that the family had a significant impact on the formation of the personality of Archbishop Alexander. Having achieved everything through hard work, which lasted almost until his death, his father, Professor Mikhail Alexandrovich Tolstopyatov, was undoubtedly an example, both for Vladyka himself and for his brothers Vladimir Mikhailovich and Vadim Mikhailovich. All three of them followed their father's path to a certain extent — they became professors. Archbishop Alexander has always retained a keen interest in science and the religiosity instilled from childhood. In his apologetic writings, he sought to explain and defend religious truths from a scientific standpoint, having before him the example of his father, who believed that real science does not contradict religion. The influence of his mother Elizaveta Dmitrievna Tolstopyatova on the formation of the hierarch turned out to be significant. It was in a large and friendly family that the future archpastor was formed as a whole, versatile and talented person who was able to overcome many challenges encountered on his life path. In the most difficult conditions of life, Archbishop Alexander continued to write apologetic works, testifying to the truth of the Orthodox faith, which does not contradict genuine science.


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Author Biography

Hegumen Agafangel (Gagua), Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute

doctor of medical sciences, professor writer of PhD in Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies



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ЦГАМ. Ф. 203. Оп. 750. Д. 22.

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Пермский государственный архив новейшей истории (ПГАНИ). Ф. 641-1. Оп. 1. Д. 8835.


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How to Cite

Gagua И. А. (2023). To the question of the initial biography of Archbishop Alexander (Tolstopiatov) of Molotov and Solikamsk. The Church Historian, (3 (13), 54–70.