Regulations on the organization of monastic life taken by the All-Russian Congress of representatives of monasteries and monasticism in 1917


  • Priest Viacheslav V. Masin Moscow Theological Academy



Monasteries and monasticism, Russian monasticism, reform of monasteries and monasticism, The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, New Service, Archbishop Nikon (Rozhdestvensky)


At the beginning of the 20th century, the Church in the Russian Empire faced many complex challenges. One of the problematic issues was the realization of the monastic ideal in the completely new realities of church-state changes and worries. Since 1909 a positive trend has appeared in the general сhurch discussion of monastic issues. In the face of the convening of the Local Council of 1917–1918, a significant event was the congress of representatives of monasteries, which was held in The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius in 1917. The decisions taken at this forum of monastic inhabitants bore the imprint of previous discussions and developments, but at the same time they also had new trends. Thanks to this, the developed provisions became the foundation for the productive work of the Local Council.


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Author Biography

Priest Viacheslav V. Masin, Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology Assistant of the Department of Church History of Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Masin В. В. и. (2023). Regulations on the organization of monastic life taken by the All-Russian Congress of representatives of monasteries and monasticism in 1917. The Church Historian, (3 (13), 46–53.