Socio-political views of Gabriel (Kikodze), bishop of Imereti


  • Hierodeacon Nicholas (Nachkebia) Moscow Theological Academy



Georgian Orthodox Church, saint Gabriel (Kikodze), Orthodoxy in the Caucasus, 19th century, social and political views


The article deals with the socio-political views of bishop Gabriel (Kikodze), a well-known Georgian bishop of the XIX century. Nowadays he is glorified as a saint in Georgian Orthodox Church. Purpose of the work: To identify the theological ideas that formed the basis of the socio-political views of St Gabriel (Kikodze). Objectives: To study the writings of St Gabriel and determine how he understands the interaction between the Church, the state and individual citizens in the context of his time. The activity of the bishop Gabriel was aimed at eradicating such historical vices in the Caucasus as social discord, enmity, jealousy, revenge and hatred. These social vices, in his view, were the chief causes disasters in political life of Georgia, as well as in Georgian society as a whole. According to St Gabriel, the task of an Orthodox Christian is to reconcile dissenters and tame rebels, who oppose the will of the Orthodox sovereign. Example of St Gabriel stays relevant in our time as well.


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Author Biography

Hierodeacon Nicholas (Nachkebia), Moscow Theological Academy

MA student at the Moscow Theological Academy



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Электронные ресурсы

Обозрение абхазских и самурзаканских приходов [Электронный ресурс]: из журнала Православное Обозрение 1868 года / Гавриил, еп Имеретии. М.: РГБ, 2004. (Из фондов Российской государственной библиотеки).



How to Cite

Nachkebia и. Н. (2023). Socio-political views of Gabriel (Kikodze), bishop of Imereti. The Church Historian, (3 (13), 15–32.