Bishop in the History of the Church According to the Works of the Renovationist Metropolitan Alexander Vvedensky
Alexander Vvedensky, bishop, church, episcopate, metropolitan, patriarch Tikhon, renovationismAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of the views of Alexander Vvedensky (1889–1946), a well-known religious figure, one of the ideologists and leaders of the Renovationist schism. The question of the church structure and the role of the sacred hierarchy in the life of the Church has always been of particular relevance. In the 20th century, after the October Revolution, this problem became even more significant, especially considering the context of the activities of the Living Church renovation movement. An important aspect in this case was the determination of the place of the bishop in the church structure. Based on selected passages from the author's works and the testimonies of his contemporaries, the attitude of Alexander Vvedensky to the question of what should be the role of a bishop in the life of the Church is considered. Given the versatility and certain syncretism in the views of the Renovationist Metropolitan, known for his support of the Soviet regime, it is worth paying special attention to his vision of the church episcopate.
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