Defeats were not expected (celebrations related to the formation of the State Militia in 1855)


  • Nikolay N. Smolin freelance researcher



Crimean War, XIX century, militia, macro-approach, microanalysis, military-historical anthropology


During the Crimean War of 1853–1856, a State militia was formed in Russia. The author of this article examines the religious and patriotic celebrations caused by both his recruitment and sending him to the theater of military operations. In particular, it is noted that the macro-historical approach to the militia formation campaign allows researchers to come to the conclusion that the residents of the Russian Empire fully support the government policy. Both the central and local periodicals in 1855. there was overflowing information about voluntary material donations to the militia, about how festively residents of cities and counties escorted his squads to war. However, a microanalysis of the above information suggests that the society has not provided effective support to either the Russian government or its army. Thus, most of the voluntary donations were aimed not at primary needs, but at festive blessings, parades, feasts. At the same time, the anthropological approach allows us to judge that the celebrations associated with the formation of the State Mobile Militia did not have such a scale at all, as it may seem at first glance. Each individual commander and soldier of the militia participated in no more than one or two such events, which served only as a small episode of their military service. Accordingly, the scope of the celebrations and the costs of their holding appear in a completely different light. Summing up, the author draws attention to the fact that a comprehensive assessment of historical events should be based on their comprehensive consideration, including macro-approach, microanalysis, anthropological approach.


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Author Biography

Nikolay N. Smolin, freelance researcher

PhD in Historical Sciences

freelance researcher


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How to Cite

Smolin Н. Н. (2023). Defeats were not expected (celebrations related to the formation of the State Militia in 1855). The Church Historian, (1 (11), 172–194.



National and World History
