Religious and Philosophical Societies of Moscow and St. Petersburg: comparative characteristics and history of relations


  • Hieromonk Seraphim (Tischenko) Voronezh Theological Seminary



Moscow Religious and Philosophical Society, St. Petersburg Religious and Philosophical Society, A. V. Kartashev, V. P. Sventsitsky, V. F. Ern, S. N. Bulgakov, Russian religious philosophy, Merezhkovsky, N. A. Berdyaev


The article is devoted to the comparative characteristics and history of the relationship between two religious and philosophical societies that operated in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Moscow and St. Petersburg religious and Philosophical societies owe their origin to the popularity of Religious and Philosophical meetings, which ceased their work in 1903. The Moscow Society, which was formed organizationally first, became a model for the formation of an association of thinkers in the capital of the Russian Empire. Initially, the same people met among the founding members of both societies. However, over time, the development of thought begins to contribute to the separation of societies from each other. If Moscow society developed in the context of the ideas of «Christian politics», then St. Petersburg society was influenced by the Merezhkovsky system. Nevertheless, the leaders of both associations felt the need for unification or, at least, mutual communication, therefore, during the pre-revolutionary decade, negotiations were held between representatives of the Moscow and St. Petersburg associations on the possibility of joint work. Revolutionary events interrupted the activities of religious and philosophical societies.


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Author Biography

Hieromonk Seraphim (Tischenko), Voronezh Theological Seminary

MA in Theology,

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Voronezh Theological Seminary,

postgraduate student of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Tischenko С. и. (2022). Religious and Philosophical Societies of Moscow and St. Petersburg: comparative characteristics and history of relations. The Church Historian, (4 (10), 123–131.