Church "Chronicle of the village of Spas-Volzhinskoye" — birthplace of the future Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin)


  • Albina A. Filippova Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin



Lion Cavelin, memory, place of birth, church, chronicle, document, museumification


The article is devoted to the perpetuation of the memory of Archimandrite Leonid in the Smolensk region at his place of birth The scientific work of archaeologists, museologists, historians, which is connected with the museification of the birthplace of the archimandrite, is presented. In the village of Spas-Volzhenskoye, the foundation of the church in which the future father Leonid was baptized was preserved, a stone fence was erected, an explication with data from the archive about baptism was installed. Special attention is paid to the document entitled «Chronicle of the village of Spas-Volzhinsky», which is kept in the State Archive of the Smolensk region. The document gives an idea of the environment and life of the villagers in the late XIX — early XX centuries. The article describes the work of the staff of the museum-reserve «Khmelita» associated with visiting and studying and popularizing the places of stay of Father Leonid, outlines the prospects for further activities to perpetuate the memory of Archimandrite Leonid in the Smolensk region.


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Author Biography

Albina A. Filippova, Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin

PhD in Philology

Chief curator of museum property

Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin



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Шилов Г. Адмирала Нахимова могут причислить к лику святых. [Эл. ресурс] URL: (Дата обращения 21.04. 2022).



How to Cite

Filippova А. А. . (2022). Church "Chronicle of the village of Spas-Volzhinskoye" — birthplace of the future Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin). The Church Historian, (3 (9), 54–65.