The inner feat of St. Sergius in the context of Russian history
St. Sergius, Metropolitan Alexei, Church, history, inner feat, Russian state, Russian people, Battle of KulikovoAbstract
: In Russian history St. Sergius is known both as an outstanding spiritual ascetic and as someone who can be called a «political figure» who made efforts to unite Russia. The article focuses on the act of the St. Sergius — the rejection of the Metropolitan cathedra in the Russian Church in the face of impending church and political turmoil. It is noted that, despite the efforts he himself is making to preserve the spiritual and political unity of the Russian land, in the situation of the need to choose between church-state and ascetic ministry, St. Sergius preferred to continue his inner asceticism. And this choice of his, in the end, did not lead to a split in the Russian Church, nor to new political upheavals. St. Sergius remained in the history of the Russian Church and the Russian state, among other things, as an example of the effectiveness of correctly set priorities. From the inner feat of spiritual life and the unity of man with God, a beneficial effect on the entire external surrounding reality, including the problems of the earthly organization of the Church and the state, follows.
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