Parish clergy of Northern Kazakhstan in the context of the new course of the confessional policy of the Soviet state (1940–1950)


  • Priest Mikhail A. Berezin Saints Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate and doctoral Studies



Orthodox clergy, Petropavlovsk, North-Kazakhstan, Kazakh SSR, Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church, G. G. Karpov, S. Vokhmenin, repression against the clergy, religious policy in the USSR.


The issue of the ministry of the parish clergy in the territory of North-Kazakhstan is directly related to the change in the nature of church-state relations during the Great Patriotic War. The rise of religiosity during the war forced the Soviet leadership to abandon the policy of mass repression against the Orthodox clergy and go to the restoration of previously almost completely destroyed church structures. The process of restoration of church life in North-Kazakhstan is directly related to the presence on the territory of the region of a large number of exiled clergy and monastics, who played an important role in the revival of parish life in 1940–1950. The article reveals the topic of the relationship between the Soviet authorities and the Orthodox clergy of the North Kazakhstan region. The author focuses on the comprehensive control of the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church in relation to various aspects of the pastoral ministry of the clergy. The paper provides information on the number of open parishes, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the region’s clergy, as well as secret correspondence between the chairman of the Council G. G. Karpov and the authorized representative for the Kazakh Republic S. Vokhmenin. The work is based on previously secret and unpublished documents from the funds of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty).


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Author Biography

Priest Mikhail A. Berezin, Saints Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate and doctoral Studies

Postgraduate student, of Saints Cyril and Methodius
Theological Institute of Post-Graduate and doctoral Studies
4/2, building 1, Pyatnitskaya St.,115035, Moscow, Russian Federation


Архивные материалы

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How to Cite

Berezin М. А. (2022). Parish clergy of Northern Kazakhstan in the context of the new course of the confessional policy of the Soviet state (1940–1950). The Church Historian, (1 (7), 176–189.



Russian Church History
