The Maintenance of Students in Theological Schools of the Ryazan Diocese During the Reform of Spiritual Education in 1808–1814


  • Vasily A. Yurin Moscow Theological Academy



reform of spiritual education, Archbishop Feofilakt (Rusanov), religious schools, bursaks, semi-students


This article tells about the course of the reform of spiritual education in the Russian Empire and in the Ryazan diocese at the beginning of the 19th century. Archbishop Feofilakt (Rusanov) of Ryazan played an important role in the reform. Under his leadership, a two storey stone building of theological seminary was built and district and parish religious schools were opened, which constituted the lowest link in the new system of theological schools in Russia. For the period from 1812 to 1816 in the Ryazan diocese six schools were opened: Ryazan, Zaraisk, Kasimov, Dankov, Skopin, Sapozhok, Ranenburg (closed in 1816). The sons of the clergymen of the Ryazan diocese were trained in them. Due to poverty, not all of their parents were able to rent apartments for their children. There was a problem of material support for the students. Bursa began to open at schools, and all students were divided into those who were on their own, on the state (bursaks) and on the half-listed (half-courses). The funds allocated by the Commission of Theological Schools were not enough for all those in need. Other ways of supporting the poor were also sought.


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Author Biography

Vasily A. Yurin, Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology
Postgraduate student of the Department of Church History
of the Moscow Theological Academy
141312, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Academy, Russia


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How to Cite

Yurin В. А. (2022). The Maintenance of Students in Theological Schools of the Ryazan Diocese During the Reform of Spiritual Education in 1808–1814. The Church Historian, (1 (7), 72–82.



Russian Church History
