The history of the confiscation icon of the Mother of God “Smolenskaya”, located in the Cathedral of the Uspensky in the city of Vladimir, according to the materials of the State Archive of the Vladimir region.


  • Voronkov I. A., priest Moscow Theological Academy



history, Vladimir State Archive, Iсon of the Mother of God “Smolenskaya”, Synodal period, village of Uspensky Pogost of Vyaznikovsky district, confiscation of the Iсon, Uspensky Vladimir Cathedral, Saint Theophan Zatvornik.


This article is written using documents from the State Archive of the Vladimir region and is devoted to the history of the iсon of the Mother of God “Smolenskaya”, located in the Cathedral of the Uspensky in the city of Vladimir. The icon was painted according to the vow of Colonel Rimsky-Korsakov around 1700 and transferred to the parish church of the village of Uspensky Pogost of the Vyaznikovsky district of the Vladimir province. The fame of the miracles from the icon quickly spread beyond the parish and numerous worshippers began to flock to the icon. In accordance with the “Spiritual Regulations” and the church-state policy of the Synodal period in 1784, the Diocesan authorities ordered to transfer the icon to the Vladimir Cathedral. After almost 100 years, the parishioners of the church and the residents of the village of Uspensky Pogost made attempts to return the icon. Saint Theophan (Govorov), who headed the Vladimir Department at that time, goes to meet the petitioners and begins the case for the return of the icon to his native village. Archbishop retired in 1866. His successor Archbishop Anthony (Pavlitsky), fearing a repetition of the public disclosure of the miracles occurring from the icon, stops the case for the return of the icon. The icon has remained in the Cathedral in the city of Vladimir until today.


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Author Biography

Voronkov I. A., priest, Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology
Graduate of the Church History Department at the Moscow Theological Academy
Cleric of the Church of the Holy Martyr Hermogenes, the Metochion of the Patriarch of
Moscow and All Russia, Moscow.
Apt 89, 31 Amurskaya Street, Moscow, Russia, 107241



Источники архивные

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How to Cite

Voronkov И. А. . (2022). The history of the confiscation icon of the Mother of God “Smolenskaya”, located in the Cathedral of the Uspensky in the city of Vladimir, according to the materials of the State Archive of the Vladimir region. The Church Historian, (1 (7), 37–50.



Russian Church History
