On the History of Secret Police Under Empress Anna Ioannovna: The Case of Archimandrite Alexander (Maksimov) and Yefreytor Yeremey Tashirev


  • Daniil A. Golovanov Moscow Theological Academy




Archbishop Theophan (or Feofan) (Prokopovich), Empress Anna Ioannovna, Most Holy Synod, Secret police, Secret Chancellery (or Secret Office of Investigation), Senator A. I. Ushakov


This article is a transcript of the archival file concerning the investigation into the «Word and Deed of the Sovereign» (a common title for political cases) of the Secret Office during the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna. This case, which was investigated from November 19, 1734 to January 30, 1735. Persons involved: the prisoners Archimandrite Alexander (Maksimov) of St. Tryphon’s monastery, Vyatka diocese, and Larion Yeremeev; Head of Guard, Yefreytor (or Lance-Corporal) of the Ingermanland Infantry Regiment, Yeremey Tashirev; two guard soldiers, Alexey Kakuyev and Yegor Mikhailov. Larion Eremeev acted as an informer on the «Word and Deed» against Archimandrite Alexander and Yeremey Tashirev, while two guard soldiers A. Kakuev and Ye. Mikhailov became witnesses in this case. The article describes in detail the entire course of the trial, starting from the very denunciation of Yeremeyev to the Synod, which later transferred this case to the Secret Office where torture and threat were used, and cruel sentences were passed. The article also provides a general description of the archival case, analyzing the controversial actions of some persons involved.


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Author Biography

Daniil A. Golovanov, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student at the Moscow Theological Academy



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How to Cite

Golovanov Д. А. (2020). On the History of Secret Police Under Empress Anna Ioannovna: The Case of Archimandrite Alexander (Maksimov) and Yefreytor Yeremey Tashirev. The Church Historian, (2 (4), 224–237. https://doi.org/10.31802/CH.2020.4.2.014