The Church Policy of Emperor Justinian I
anathemas, Aphthartodocetism, Arians, barbarians, Basileus, caesaropapism, Chalcedonians, church union, emperor, empire, Fifth Ecumenical Council, Goths, heresies, hierarchy of the Church, Jews, kingship, lawmaking, Manicheans, ministry, missionary work, Monophysites, Origen, Origenists, paganism, priesthood, Roman law, Samaritans, symphoniaAbstract
The article reveals various features of the life and activities of Saint Emperor Justinian I (483–565) — a prominent military leader, ruler, lawmaker, theologian, hymnographer of the early Byzantine period, who dedicated all his life to protecting the interests of the Church, defending its unity and faith, and spreading Orthodox Christianity within the Empire and beyond. Although Justinian’s real policy was not perfect (as nothing is perfect in the world where the good struggles with the evil), he was a true Christian ruler who understood «kingship» as power together with ministry, in accordance with the rules of the Church. The author observes the main directions of Justinian’s policy and points out the divergency among historians and theologians in esteeming Justinian’s theology and church policy, to refute the attempts to blame the «Most Powerful Emperor» with renouncing the faith of the Holy Fathers. Instead, the author maintains that Justinian was Orthodox and saint — in accordance with the Church which has canonized this emperor.
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