Old and New Discussions Regarding Authorship and Dating Psalm 118


  • Iriney (Pikovsky), hieromonk Sretenskaya Theological Seminary




psalm, biblical poetry, law, Moses, David, Temple of Jerusalem, Torah, Levite, Ezra, Immaculate, righteous, Wisdom Literature


This article raises the issue of authorship and dating of Psalm 119 (118 by Septuagint). Despite the fact that some exegetes of the Ancient Church attributed this psalm to King David, most scholars of the present time adhere to a later date. Quite often this assumption based on the proximity of this psalm to the wisdom literature of the Second Temple period. In the study of the liturgical features of 119 psalm, the author of this article hypothesizes that the psalm was performed during worship in the Jerusalem Temple and was not a «textbook for Solomon», but a poetic praise of God through contemplation of wisdom in His law, words, deeds, ways, charters and revelations. The peculiarities of the Hebrew vocabulary allow the researcher to conclude that the text of psalm 119 is secondary to the earlier psalms of the David era. At the same time, it was written in the David's style and spirit and came into existance before the main part of the wisdom literature of the Bible.


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Author Biography

Iriney (Pikovsky), hieromonk, Sretenskaya Theological Seminary

Lecturer of Sretenskaya Theological Seminary

19, 3 building, Bolshaya Lubyanka, Moscow 107031, Russia



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How to Cite

Pikovsky И. (2020). Old and New Discussions Regarding Authorship and Dating Psalm 118. Biblical Scholia, (1 (1), 186–208. https://doi.org/10.31802/BSCH.2020.1.1.011



Old Testament Research
