The Biblical Hermeneutics of the Middle Ages as a Basis of Theology: «Breviloquium» by Bonaventura
hermeneutics, Bonaventura, Breviloquium, cognition, tradition of the Middle Ages, perception, interpretation, Franciscans, theological methodAbstract
The article researches the fundamental work of the scientist and theologian of the Middle Age Bonaventura. First of all Bonaventura is famous for his ethical and mystical treatises («The Soul’s Guide to God») but in contrast to Anthony of Padua Bonaventura didn’t research the exegesis of the Holy Scripture. The purpose of this article is to find out the hermeneutical element of the works by Bonaventura and to describe its features with due regard to the specific of Franciscan theology and exegesis. The observing of issues of a little-known in our theological tradition treatise «Breviloquium» shows that Bonaventura smoothly includes the research of biblical texts in philosophy and scientific cognition — that was the feature of the Western Christian approach to the studying of the Holy Scripture.
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