Old and New Paradigms of the Study of the Apostle Paul in Western Biblical Studies
biblical studies, the apostle of the Gentiles, justification, works of the law, Hellenism,, Judaism, Reformation, the «old» paradigm of Western biblical studies, «The New Perspective on Paul»Abstract
The controversy about the personality of the apostle Paul and his theological legacy has not yet come to an end. Since the first centuries of Christianity researchers have not ceased to ask themselves: “Who was this mysterious man?” Apostle Paul expresses his thoughts in a rather difficult-to-understand style, which makes it impossible to give quickly a correct assessment of his teaching. This article examines the modern trend, which focuses on the understanding of “justification” in the epistles of the apostle. The «The New Perspective on Paul» replaced the “old” view of the apostle, which dates back to the time of the Reformation in the West. It was as a result of the reassessment of justification through faith in Jesus Christ that received ideological development with the reform movement. Using the example of the works of M. Luther, F. H. Baur, R. Bultman, I. Munch, A. Schweitzer, M. Hengel, the key themes of the epistles of the apostle of the Gentiles are analyzed and the assessment of the «the New Perspective» in modern Western biblicaд science is given. One of the main tasks in modern Western biblical studies is to study the context of the epistles of apostle Paul. This includes both the context in which the apostle himself was located and the context in which the interpreters place him.
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