Terminology of the Remnant in the Hebrew Bible on the Example of the Hebrew Root šʔr


  • Deacon Ivan Zmiev Moscow Theological Academy, Perervinsky Theological Seminary




Old Testament, BHS, prophetic books, Hebrew root šʔr, šʔеrīṯ, šʔār, remnant motif, remnant of Israel, Noah, Gerhard Hasel


In his dissertation, Gerhard Hasel writes that an investigation of the Hebrew remnant motif should commence with an examination of the remnant terminology in the Hebrew Bible. Hausmann and Warne in their dissertations emphasize four Hebrew roots on which the terminology of the remnant in the Old Testament is based: שאר ,יתר ,פלט ,שרד (śrḏ, p̄̄lṯ, yṯr, šʔr). Hasel also adds the root אחר (ʔḥr) to the above, emphasizing that in the Hebrew text the motif of remnant is expressed through 580 uses of verb and noun derivatives of these five roots. Further research has shown that to these five roots can also be added the roots חמל ,חוס ,כלה (ḵlh, ḥws, ḥml) and מלט (mlṭ). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Hebrew root שאר (šʔr) in the text of the Hebrew Bible (BHS).


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Author Biography

Deacon Ivan Zmiev , Moscow Theological Academy, Perervinsky Theological Seminary

Master of Theology, PhD student of the Biblical Studies Department of the Moscow Theological Academy, teacher of the Perervinsky Theological Seminary

Holy Trinity Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, 141300, Russia




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How to Cite

Zmiev И. (2025). Terminology of the Remnant in the Hebrew Bible on the Example of the Hebrew Root šʔr. Biblical Scholia, (3 (8), 22–34. https://doi.org/10.31802/BSCH.2024.3.8.002



Old Testament Research
