Interpretation of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge in the Essay of st. Ephraim the Syrian «On Paradise»
The Tree of life, the Tree of Knowledge, Ephraim the Syrian, Paradise, madrashi, the fruits of paradise, patristic Old Testament exegesis, the Eucharist, the Holy of Holies, the poetics of biblical theologyAbstract
The question of the patristic exegesis of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge is of great interest for modern research. While analyzing the works of ancient church authors, we can see a variety of approaches in interpreting the nature and purpose of the fruits of the paradise trees. The interest of this topic is caused not just by research curiosity about the structure of the primordial Paradise, but has a soteriological significance for us. After all, Paradise was the place where the world visibly came into contact with the eternity of the Kingdom of Heaven. Among the many patristic works devoted to the analysis of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis a special place is occupied by the Treatise of St. Ephraim the Syrian “On Paradise”. At first glance, this creation does not have a deliberate exegetical purpose and refers to poetic compositions that are abundantly represented among the works of the monk. But the high poetry of Ephraim, contemplating the beauty of the primordial Paradise, presents us with a very interesting exegesis of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge as paradise prototypes of the Eucharist. At the beginning of this article, with the help of historical-descriptive and analytical methods, a description and analysis of the genre of this work, available translations, hermeneutical methods of the author are carried out, the main aspects of the work are determined. Further, the analysis of the exegesis of the Venerable Ephraim of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge as paradise prototypes of the Eucharist is carried out. While examining the images of paradise trees offered by the monk, an amazing picture of God’s Providence is revealed, acting in the world from the beginning of its creation and directing everything to the only true goal — the deification and salvation of man.
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