Review of: Den Heijer, Arco: Portraits of Paul’s Performance in the Book of Acts. Luke’s Apologetic Strategy in the Depiction of Paul as Messenger of God. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021. (IX) 260 S. ISBN: 978-3-16-160859-9


  • Kovshov Mikhail V. Moscow Theological Academy; Perervinskaya Theological Seminary



The monograph by Arko den Heyer, which is the subject of this review, from a methodological point of view adheres to the so-called literary-theological approach (p. 10). The aim of the work is to define the ‘Lukan image’ of the apostle to the Gentiles. In detail, the presentation deals with two aspects: on the one hand, St Paul's speeches to Jews and Gentiles using a new hermeneutical approach, the so-called linguistic conceptual context of ‘fulfilment’ or ‘emergence’: ‘The concept of “emergence” will provide a heuristic framework for the study and link it to contemporary interest in performance’ (p. 1). For this reason, verbal and non-verbal elements of communication are at the centre of the author's consideration. On the other hand, the image of the apostle to the Gentiles is explained by Den Heyer with regard to the intent of the whole text, presupposing in advance the apologetic tendency of the book of Acts (p. 37-41).


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Author Biography

Kovshov Mikhail V. , Moscow Theological Academy; Perervinskaya Theological Seminary

PhD in Theology,

Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studie, 

Academic Secretary of Candidate’s Dissertational Counsel № 1 at the Moscow Theological Academy;

Researcher at the Perervinskaya Theological Seminary


Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia

82, Shosseinaya Street, Moscow, 109383, Russian Federation



How to Cite

Kovshov М. В. (2024). Review of: Den Heijer, Arco: Portraits of Paul’s Performance in the Book of Acts. Luke’s Apologetic Strategy in the Depiction of Paul as Messenger of God. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021. (IX) 260 S. ISBN: 978-3-16-160859-9. Biblical Scholia, (1 (6), 96–99.



