Tribulation and Persecution as the Path of Christ and His Disciples in the Gospel of John: an Experience of Narrative Analysis


  • Vikulov Andrey, deacon Ryazan Orthodox Theological Seminary



tribulation, sufferings, persecution, hatred, conflict, expulsion from the synagogue, the Gospel of John, narrative theology, the disciples of Christ


This article analyzes the content of the Gospel of John in the course of reflecting in it the theme of tribulation and persecution of Christ and His disciples. Firstly, the author focuses on to determine the nature and degree of persecution; secondly, to establish their causes; thirdly, to find out what was the response of Christ when He faced persecution, and how the disciples should react to them in such situations. The article asserts that the tribulations and persecutions were real and it was quite possible that they could end in death for the disciples of Christ. The followers of the Savior of the first century of Christianity were expelled from their community, as a result of which they lost the basis of social life and faced complete deprivation of all opportunities in the field of finance, education and public life.


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Author Biography

Vikulov Andrey, deacon, Ryazan Orthodox Theological Seminary

Senior lecturer of the Ryazan Orthodox Theological Seminary,
Graduate of the postgraduate course of the Moscow Theological Academy

390000, Ryazan, Kremlin str., 1

141300, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, Academy


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How to Cite

Vikulov А. С. (2024). Tribulation and Persecution as the Path of Christ and His Disciples in the Gospel of John: an Experience of Narrative Analysis. Biblical Scholia, (2 (5), 71–91.



Exegesis of Holy Scripture
