Reflection of the Symbolism of the Vestment of the Old Testament High Priest in the Description of Heavenly Jerusalem


  • Rupova Rozaliya M. Russian State Social University; Moscow Theological Academy



ephod, amice, urim, tummim, biblical minerals, tribes of Israel, stones of Heavenly Jerusalem


The article is devoted to the analysis of the correspondences between the two biblical texts. One of them is the book of Exodus (28, 15–21), which indicates the minerals with which the prophet Moses, according to God’s command, should decorate the elements of the high priest’s vestments, an ephod and an amice. These precious stones should be twelve according to the number of the tribes of Israel. Another text is the Revelation of St. Apostle John the Theologian (21, 19–20). It describes the twelve stones that make up the foundation of the Heavenly Jerusalem. The question about «Urim and Thummim» is also considered, which is also related to the Old Testament cult. The following conclusions were drawn from the analysis: 1. The Jewish biblical tradition, more accurately than the Slavic translations, traces the presence of the tribes of Israel in the mysteries of New Jerusalem. 2. The text of the Holy Scriptures reflects the historical changes in the names of many stones, as well as the transfer of names from one mineral to another. This conclusion can be useful not only for biblical exegesis, but also for the history of mineralogy and natural science in general, opens the prospect of historical and cultural research.


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Author Biography

Rupova Rozaliya M., Russian State Social University; Moscow Theological Academy

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities at the Russian State Social University

Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy.

4, 1 building, Wilhelm Pieck, Moscow 129226, Russia


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How to Cite

Rupova Р. М. (2022). Reflection of the Symbolism of the Vestment of the Old Testament High Priest in the Description of Heavenly Jerusalem. Biblical Scholia, (1 (2), 107–115.